Html5ParserEnabled' || $key === 'is_html5_parser_enabled' || $key === 'enable_html5_parser') { return $this->getIsHtml5ParserEnabled(); } elseif ($key === 'isFontSubsettingEnabled' || $key === 'is_font_subsetting_enabled' || $key === 'enable_font_subsetting') { return $this->getIsFontSubsettingEnabled(); } elseif ($key === 'debugPng' || $key === 'debug_png') { return $this->getDebugPng(); } elseif ($key === 'debugKeepTemp' || $key === 'debug_keep_temp') { return $this->getDebugKeepTemp(); } elseif ($key === 'debugCss' || $key === 'debug_css') { return $this->getDebugCss(); } elseif ($key === 'debugLayout' || $key === 'debug_layout') { return $this->getDebugLayout(); } elseif ($key === 'debugLayoutLines' || $key === 'debug_layout_lines') { return $this->getDebugLayoutLines(); } elseif ($key === 'debugLayoutBlocks' || $key === 'debug_layout_blocks') { return $this->getDebugLayoutBlocks(); } elseif ($key === 'debugLayoutInline' || $key === 'debug_layout_inline') { return $this->getDebugLayoutInline(); } elseif ($key === 'debugLayoutPaddingBox' || $key === 'debug_layout_padding_box') { return $this->getDebugLayoutPaddingBox(); } elseif ($key === 'pdfBackend' || $key === 'pdf_backend') { return $this->getPdfBackend(); } elseif ($key === 'pdflibLicense' || $key === 'pdflib_license') { return $this->getPdflibLicense(); } elseif ($key === 'httpContext' || $key === 'http_context') { return $this->getHttpContext(); } return null; } /** * @param string $pdfBackend * @return $this */ public function setPdfBackend($pdfBackend) { $this->pdfBackend = $pdfBackend; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getPdfBackend() { return $this->pdfBackend; } /** * @param string $pdflibLicense * @return $this */ public function setPdflibLicense($pdflibLicense) { $this->pdflibLicense = $pdflibLicense; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getPdflibLicense() { return $this->pdflibLicense; } /** * @param array|string $chroot * @return $this */ public function setChroot($chroot, $delimiter = ',') { if (is_string($chroot)) { $this->chroot = explode($delimiter, $chroot); } elseif (is_array($chroot)) { $this->chroot = $chroot; } return $this; } /** * @return array */ public function getAllowedProtocols() { return $this->allowedProtocols; } /** * @param array $allowedProtocols The protocols to allow, as an array * formatted as ["protocol://" => ["rules" => [callable]], ...] * or ["protocol://", ...] * * @return $this */ public function setAllowedProtocols(array $allowedProtocols) { $protocols = []; foreach ($allowedProtocols as $protocol => $config) { if (is_string($protocol)) { $protocols[$protocol] = []; if (is_array($config)) { $protocols[$protocol] = $config; } } elseif (is_string($config)) { $protocols[$config] = []; } } $this->allowedProtocols = []; foreach ($protocols as $protocol => $config) { $this->addAllowedProtocol($protocol, ...($config["rules"] ?? [])); } return $this; } /** * Adds a new protocol to the allowed protocols collection * * @param string $protocol The scheme to add (e.g. "http://") * @param callable $rule A callable that validates the protocol * @return $this */ public function addAllowedProtocol(string $protocol, callable ...$rules) { $protocol = strtolower($protocol); if (empty($rules)) { $rules = []; switch ($protocol) { case "file://": $rules[] = [$this, "validateLocalUri"]; break; case "http://": case "https://": $rules[] = [$this, "validateRemoteUri"]; break; case "phar://": $rules[] = [$this, "validatePharUri"]; break; } } $this->allowedProtocols[$protocol] = ["rules" => $rules]; return $this; } /** * @return array */ public function getArtifactPathValidation() { return $this->artifactPathValidation; } /** * @param callable $validator * @return $this */ public function setArtifactPathValidation($validator) { $this->artifactPathValidation = $validator; return $this; } /** * @return array */ public function getChroot() { $chroot = []; if (is_array($this->chroot)) { $chroot = $this->chroot; } return $chroot; } /** * @param boolean $debugCss * @return $this */ public function setDebugCss($debugCss) { $this->debugCss = $debugCss; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getDebugCss() { return $this->debugCss; } /** * @param boolean $debugKeepTemp * @return $this */ public function setDebugKeepTemp($debugKeepTemp) { $this->debugKeepTemp = $debugKeepTemp; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getDebugKeepTemp() { return $this->debugKeepTemp; } /** * @param boolean $debugLayout * @return $this */ public function setDebugLayout($debugLayout) { $this->debugLayout = $debugLayout; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getDebugLayout() { return $this->debugLayout; } /** * @param boolean $debugLayoutBlocks * @return $this */ public function setDebugLayoutBlocks($debugLayoutBlocks) { $this->debugLayoutBlocks = $debugLayoutBlocks; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getDebugLayoutBlocks() { return $this->debugLayoutBlocks; } /** * @param boolean $debugLayoutInline * @return $this */ public function setDebugLayoutInline($debugLayoutInline) { $this->debugLayoutInline = $debugLayoutInline; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getDebugLayoutInline() { return $this->debugLayoutInline; } /** * @param boolean $debugLayoutLines * @return $this */ public function setDebugLayoutLines($debugLayoutLines) { $this->debugLayoutLines = $debugLayoutLines; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getDebugLayoutLines() { return $this->debugLayoutLines; } /** * @param boolean $debugLayoutPaddingBox * @return $this */ public function setDebugLayoutPaddingBox($debugLayoutPaddingBox) { $this->debugLayoutPaddingBox = $debugLayoutPaddingBox; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getDebugLayoutPaddingBox() { return $this->debugLayoutPaddingBox; } /** * @param boolean $debugPng * @return $this */ public function setDebugPng($debugPng) { $this->debugPng = $debugPng; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getDebugPng() { return $this->debugPng; } /** * @param string $defaultFont * @return $this */ public function setDefaultFont($defaultFont) { if (!($defaultFont === null || trim($defaultFont) === "")) { $this->defaultFont = $defaultFont; } else { $this->defaultFont = "serif"; } return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getDefaultFont() { return $this->defaultFont; } /** * @param string $defaultMediaType * @return $this */ public function setDefaultMediaType($defaultMediaType) { $this->defaultMediaType = $defaultMediaType; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getDefaultMediaType() { return $this->defaultMediaType; } /** * @param string|float[] $defaultPaperSize * @return $this */ public function setDefaultPaperSize($defaultPaperSize): self { $this->defaultPaperSize = $defaultPaperSize; return $this; } /** * @param string $defaultPaperOrientation * @return $this */ public function setDefaultPaperOrientation(string $defaultPaperOrientation): self { $this->defaultPaperOrientation = $defaultPaperOrientation; return $this; } /** * @return string|float[] */ public function getDefaultPaperSize() { return $this->defaultPaperSize; } /** * @return string */ public function getDefaultPaperOrientation(): string { return $this->defaultPaperOrientation; } /** * @param int $dpi * @return $this */ public function setDpi($dpi) { $this->dpi = $dpi; return $this; } /** * @return int */ public function getDpi() { return $this->dpi; } /** * @param string $fontCache * @return $this */ public function setFontCache($fontCache) { if (!is_callable($this->artifactPathValidation) || ($this->artifactPathValidation)($fontCache, "fontCache") === true) { $this->fontCache = $fontCache; } return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getFontCache() { return $this->fontCache; } /** * @param string $fontDir * @return $this */ public function setFontDir($fontDir) { if (!is_callable($this->artifactPathValidation) || ($this->artifactPathValidation)($fontDir, "fontDir") === true) { $this->fontDir = $fontDir; } return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getFontDir() { return $this->fontDir; } /** * @param float $fontHeightRatio * @return $this */ public function setFontHeightRatio($fontHeightRatio) { $this->fontHeightRatio = $fontHeightRatio; return $this; } /** * @return float */ public function getFontHeightRatio() { return $this->fontHeightRatio; } /** * @param boolean $isFontSubsettingEnabled * @return $this */ public function setIsFontSubsettingEnabled($isFontSubsettingEnabled) { $this->isFontSubsettingEnabled = $isFontSubsettingEnabled; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getIsFontSubsettingEnabled() { return $this->isFontSubsettingEnabled; } /** * @return boolean */ public function isFontSubsettingEnabled() { return $this->getIsFontSubsettingEnabled(); } /** * @deprecated * @param boolean $isHtml5ParserEnabled * @return $this */ public function setIsHtml5ParserEnabled($isHtml5ParserEnabled) { $this->isHtml5ParserEnabled = $isHtml5ParserEnabled; return $this; } /** * @deprecated * @return boolean */ public function getIsHtml5ParserEnabled() { return $this->isHtml5ParserEnabled; } /** * @deprecated * @return boolean */ public function isHtml5ParserEnabled() { return $this->getIsHtml5ParserEnabled(); } /** * @param boolean $isJavascriptEnabled * @return $this */ public function setIsJavascriptEnabled($isJavascriptEnabled) { $this->isJavascriptEnabled = $isJavascriptEnabled; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getIsJavascriptEnabled() { return $this->isJavascriptEnabled; } /** * @return boolean */ public function isJavascriptEnabled() { return $this->getIsJavascriptEnabled(); } /** * @param boolean $isPhpEnabled * @return $this */ public function setIsPhpEnabled($isPhpEnabled) { $this->isPhpEnabled = $isPhpEnabled; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getIsPhpEnabled() { return $this->isPhpEnabled; } /** * @return boolean */ public function isPhpEnabled() { return $this->getIsPhpEnabled(); } /** * @param boolean $isRemoteEnabled * @return $this */ public function setIsRemoteEnabled($isRemoteEnabled) { $this->isRemoteEnabled = $isRemoteEnabled; return $this; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getIsRemoteEnabled() { return $this->isRemoteEnabled; } /** * @return boolean */ public function isRemoteEnabled() { return $this->getIsRemoteEnabled(); } /** * @param string $logOutputFile * @return $this */ public function setLogOutputFile($logOutputFile) { if (!is_callable($this->artifactPathValidation) || ($this->artifactPathValidation)($logOutputFile, "logOutputFile") === true) { $this->logOutputFile = $logOutputFile; } return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getLogOutputFile() { return $this->logOutputFile; } /** * @param string $tempDir * @return $this */ public function setTempDir($tempDir) { if (!is_callable($this->artifactPathValidation) || ($this->artifactPathValidation)($tempDir, "tempDir") === true) { $this->tempDir = $tempDir; } return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getTempDir() { return $this->tempDir; } /** * @param string $rootDir * @return $this */ public function setRootDir($rootDir) { if (!is_callable($this->artifactPathValidation) || ($this->artifactPathValidation)($rootDir, "rootDir") === true) { $this->rootDir = $rootDir; } return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getRootDir() { return $this->rootDir; } /** * Sets the HTTP context * * @param resource|array $httpContext * @return $this */ public function setHttpContext($httpContext) { $this->httpContext = is_array($httpContext) ? stream_context_create($httpContext) : $httpContext; return $this; } /** * Returns the HTTP context * * @return resource */ public function getHttpContext() { return $this->httpContext; } public function validateArtifactPath(?string $path, string $option) { $parsed_uri = parse_url($path); if ($parsed_uri === false || (array_key_exists("scheme", $parsed_uri) && strtolower($parsed_uri["scheme"]) === "phar")) { return false; } return true; } public function validateLocalUri(string $uri) { if ($uri === null || strlen($uri) === 0) { return [false, "The URI must not be empty."]; } $realfile = realpath(str_replace("file://", "", $uri)); $dirs = $this->chroot; $dirs[] = $this->rootDir; $chrootValid = false; foreach ($dirs as $chrootPath) { $chrootPath = realpath($chrootPath); if ($chrootPath !== false && strpos($realfile, $chrootPath) === 0) { $chrootValid = true; break; } } if ($chrootValid !== true) { return [false, "Permission denied. The file could not be found under the paths specified by Options::chroot."]; } if (!$realfile) { return [false, "File not found."]; } return [true, null]; } public function validatePharUri(string $uri) { if ($uri === null || strlen($uri) === 0) { return [false, "The URI must not be empty."]; } $file = substr(substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, ".phar") + 5), 7); return $this->validateLocalUri($file); } public function validateRemoteUri(string $uri) { if ($uri === null || strlen($uri) === 0) { return [false, "The URI must not be empty."]; } if (!$this->isRemoteEnabled) { return [false, "Remote file requested, but remote file download is disabled."]; } return [true, null]; } }