callback must return an array.' ); } } catch ( \Throwable $e ) { $this->throw_exception( $e ); } $registered_schema[ $namespace ] = $this->format_extensions_properties( $namespace, $schema, $callbacks['schema_type'] ); } } return (object) $registered_schema; } /** * Returns the additional payment requirements for the cart which are required to make payments. Values listed here * are compared against each Payment Gateways "supports" flag. * * @param array $requirements list of requirements that should be added to the collected requirements. * @return array Returns a list of payment requirements. * @throws \Exception If a registered callback throws an error, or silently logs it. */ public function get_payment_requirements( array $requirements = [ 'products' ] ) { if ( ! empty( $this->payment_requirements ) ) { foreach ( $this->payment_requirements as $callback ) { try { $data = $callback(); if ( ! is_array( $data ) ) { throw new \Exception( '$data_callback must return an array.' ); } $requirements = array_unique( array_merge( $requirements, $data ) ); } catch ( \Throwable $e ) { $this->throw_exception( $e ); } } } return $requirements; } /** * Throws error and/or silently logs it. * * @param string|\Throwable $exception_or_error Error message or \Exception. * @throws \Exception An error to throw if we have debug enabled and user is admin. */ private function throw_exception( $exception_or_error ) { $exception = is_string( $exception_or_error ) ? new \Exception( $exception_or_error ) : $exception_or_error; wc_caught_exception( $exception ); if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG && current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) { throw $exception; } } /** * Format schema for an extension. * * @param string $namespace Error message or \Exception. * @param array $schema An error to throw if we have debug enabled and user is admin. * @param string $schema_type How should data be shaped. * @return array Formatted schema. */ private function format_extensions_properties( $namespace, $schema, $schema_type ) { if ( ARRAY_N === $schema_type ) { return [ /* translators: %s: extension namespace */ 'description' => sprintf( __( 'Extension data registered by %s', 'woocommerce' ), $namespace ), 'type' => [ 'array', 'null' ], 'context' => [ 'view', 'edit' ], 'items' => $schema, ]; } return [ /* translators: %s: extension namespace */ 'description' => sprintf( __( 'Extension data registered by %s', 'woocommerce' ), $namespace ), 'type' => [ 'object', 'null' ], 'context' => [ 'view', 'edit' ], 'properties' => $schema, ]; } } $dest_url, PHP_URL_QUERY ); if ( $query_string ) { parse_str( $query_string, $query_args ); if ( $query_args['redirect_to'] && preg_match( '/^admin\.php\?page=(jetpack-\w+)/i', $query_args['redirect_to'], $matches ) ) { $plugin_slug = $matches[1]; } } /** * Check for the user's unattached licenses. * * @since 3.8.2 * * @param bool $has_license Whether a license was already found. * @param array $licenses Unattached licenses belonging to the user. * @param string $plugin_slug Slug of the plugin that initiated the flow. */ if ( $plugin_slug && count( $licenses ) && apply_filters( 'jetpack_connection_user_has_license', false, $licenses, $plugin_slug ) ) { wp_safe_redirect( '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=my-jetpack#/add-license' ); exit; } } }