tance of PluginInfo. Otherwise, * it will be NULL. The second argument will be the corresponding return value of * wp_remote_get (see WP docs for details). * * The callback function should return a new or modified instance of PluginInfo or NULL. * * @uses add_filter() This method is a convenience wrapper for add_filter(). * * @param callable $callback * @return void */ public function addResultFilter($callback) { $this->addFilter('request_info_result', $callback, 10, 2); } protected function createDebugBarExtension() { return new Puc_v4p11_DebugBar_PluginExtension($this); } /** * Create a package instance that represents this plugin or theme. * * @return Puc_v4p11_InstalledPackage */ protected function createInstalledPackage() { return new Puc_v4p11_Plugin_Package($this->pluginAbsolutePath, $this); } /** * @return Puc_v4p11_Plugin_Package */ public function getInstalledPackage() { return $this->package; } } endif;