e it with MockableLegacyProxy at unit testing bootstrap time. $original_concrete = LegacyProxy::class === $class_name ? MockableLegacyProxy::class : $this->extend( $class_name )->getConcrete( $concrete ); $this->original_concretes[ $class_name ] = $original_concrete; } return $this->extend( $class_name )->setConcrete( $concrete ); } /** * Reset a replaced registration back to its original concrete. * * @param string $class_name The class name whose definition had been replaced. * @return bool True if the registration has been reset, false if no replacement had been made for the specified class name. */ public function reset_replacement( string $class_name ) : bool { if ( ! array_key_exists( $class_name, $this->original_concretes ) ) { return false; } $this->extend( $class_name )->setConcrete( $this->original_concretes[ $class_name ] ); unset( $this->original_concretes[ $class_name ] ); return true; } /** * Reset all the replaced registrations back to their original concretes. */ public function reset_all_replacements() { foreach ( $this->original_concretes as $class_name => $concrete ) { $this->extend( $class_name )->setConcrete( $concrete ); } $this->original_concretes = array(); } /** * Reset all the cached resolutions, so any further "get" for shared definitions will generate the instance again. */ public function reset_all_resolved() { foreach ( $this->definitions->getIterator() as $definition ) { $definition->forgetResolved(); } } /** * Get an instance of a registered class. * * @param string $id The class name. * @param bool $new True to generate a new instance even if the class was registered as shared. * * @return object An instance of the requested class. * @throws ContainerException Attempt to get an instance of a non-namespaced class. */ public function get( $id, bool $new = false ) { if ( false === strpos( $id, '\\' ) ) { throw new ContainerException( "Attempt to get an instance of the non-namespaced class '$id' from the container, did you forget to add a namespace import?" ); } return parent::get( $id, $new ); } /** * Gets the class from the concrete regardless of type. * * @param mixed $concrete The concrete that we want the class from.. * * @return string|null The class from the concrete if one is available, null otherwise. */ protected function get_class_from_concrete( $concrete ) { if ( is_object( $concrete ) && ! is_callable( $concrete ) ) { if ( $concrete instanceof DefinitionInterface ) { return $this->get_class_from_concrete( $concrete->getConcrete() ); } return get_class( $concrete ); } if ( is_string( $concrete ) && class_exists( $concrete ) ) { return $concrete; } return null; } /** * Checks to see whether or not a class is allowed to be registered. * * @param string $class_name The class to check. * * @return bool True if the class is allowed to be registered, false otherwise. */ protected function is_class_allowed( string $class_name ): bool { return StringUtil::starts_with( $class_name, $this->woocommerce_namespace, false ) || in_array( $class_name, $this->registration_whitelist, true ); } /** * Check if a class name corresponds to an anonymous class. * * @param string $class_name The class name to check. * @return bool True if the name corresponds to an anonymous class. */ protected function is_anonymous_class( string $class_name ): bool { return StringUtil::starts_with( $class_name, 'class@anonymous' ); } }