= array( 'status' => 'trash', 'limit' => self::ORDERS_SYNC_BATCH_SIZE, 'date_modified' => '<' . $delete_timestamp, ); $orders = wc_get_orders( $args ); if ( ! $orders || ! is_array( $orders ) ) { return; } foreach ( $orders as $order ) { if ( $order->get_status() !== 'trash' ) { continue; } if ( $order->get_date_modified()->getTimestamp() >= $delete_timestamp ) { continue; } $order->delete( true ); } } /** * Handle the 'woocommerce_feature_description_tip' filter. * * When the COT feature is enabled and there are orders pending sync (in either direction), * show a "you should ync before disabling" warning under the feature in the features page. * Skip this if the UI prevents changing the feature enable status. * * @param string $desc_tip The original description tip for the feature. * @param string $feature_id The feature id. * @param bool $ui_disabled True if the UI doesn't allow to enable or disable the feature. * @return string The new description tip for the feature. */ private function handle_feature_description_tip( $desc_tip, $feature_id, $ui_disabled ): string { if ( 'custom_order_tables' !== $feature_id || $ui_disabled ) { return $desc_tip; } $features_controller = wc_get_container()->get( FeaturesController::class ); $feature_is_enabled = $features_controller->feature_is_enabled( 'custom_order_tables' ); if ( ! $feature_is_enabled ) { return $desc_tip; } $pending_sync_count = $this->get_current_orders_pending_sync_count(); if ( ! $pending_sync_count ) { return $desc_tip; } if ( $this->custom_orders_table_is_authoritative() ) { $extra_tip = sprintf( _n( "⚠ There's one order pending sync from the orders table to the posts table. The feature shouldn't be disabled until this order is synchronized.", "⚠ There are %1\$d orders pending sync from the orders table to the posts table. The feature shouldn't be disabled until these orders are synchronized.", $pending_sync_count, 'woocommerce' ), $pending_sync_count ); } else { $extra_tip = sprintf( _n( "⚠ There's one order pending sync from the posts table to the orders table. The feature shouldn't be disabled until this order is synchronized.", "⚠ There are %1\$d orders pending sync from the posts table to the orders table. The feature shouldn't be disabled until these orders are synchronized.", $pending_sync_count, 'woocommerce' ), $pending_sync_count ); } $cot_settings_url = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'wc-settings', 'tab' => 'advanced', 'section' => 'custom_data_stores', ), admin_url( 'admin.php' ) ); /* translators: %s = URL of the custom data stores settings page */ $manage_cot_settings_link = sprintf( __( "Manage orders synchronization", 'woocommerce' ), $cot_settings_url ); return $desc_tip ? "{$desc_tip}
{$extra_tip} {$manage_cot_settings_link}" : "{$extra_tip} {$manage_cot_settings_link}"; } }